Uzbek children with congenital heart conditions undergo surgery in France with support from Lola Karimova-Tillyaeva’s Foundation

Three Uzbek children with congenital heart conditions underwent life-saving heart surgery at a pediatric clinic in Nantes in late July. All the expenses related to children’s surgery and treatment in France have been covered by the You Are Not Alone Foundation.
The operations were performed by leading French cardiac surgeon Olivier Baron, a member of the Association “La Chaîne de l’Espoir” (“Chaine of Hope”).
Three-year-old Sultanmurat Shatiyev from Surkhandarya region, three-year-old Aziza Abdumajidova and 13-year-old Shahzod Anorboyev from Tashkent region are now receiving post-operative care in the French clinic. The children are accompanied by their mothers and staff of the You Are Not Alone Foundation.
As part of a charity campaign backed by the You Are Not Alone Foundation and the Association “La Chaîne de l’Espoir”, over the past three years, leading French medical experts have performed 86 complex surgical procedures on Uzbek children with congenital heart conditions from low-income families and orphanages.
With the You Are Not Alone Foundation’s backing, 13 of these operations were carried out in France.